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Membership Details

Indian Endodontic Society provides Life membership to all those who hold Post Graduate qualification in the speciality of Endodontics and Associate membership to dentists who are registered with the Dental Council of India.

Please read the information provided in this page about various categories of membership.

The IES Head office is presently situated at Chennai under the administration of Dr V Gopi Krishna, BDS, MDS, PhD at the following address:

General Secretary - IES
Root Canal Foundation
New no 91, D Block, Anna nagar first avenue
Anna Nagar, Chennai : 600102, INDIA
Tel : 044 - 42171813
Mobile : +91 - 9840218818

Types Of Membership

Life Membership

Person holding/pursuing post graduate degree or diploma fellowship in Conservative Dentristry/Operative Dentistry/Restorative Dentistry/Endodontics from any Indian/Foreign University Board/Statutory body recognised by Dental Council of India and whose name appears in part A of Dentists Register of Dental Council of India are eligible for Life Membership.

Associate Life Membership

Any person who is a qualified dental surgeon and duly registered with dental council of India but not holding Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in this speciality or not studying Post Graduate/Diploma course or undergoing any training in this speciality recognised by Dental Council of India shall be eligible for associate life membership.

Membership FEES Details

Life Membership: Rs. 5,000/- One time fee

Associate Life Membership: Rs. 6,000/- One time fee

Rights & Tenure of Membership

Only the founder members and life members will have voting right, no other category of members will have voting right. However, all members can involve themselves in all organizational activities including attendance in annual/extra-ordinary general body meeting but without the right to participate in discussion and voting.

The Life Membership, Associate Life Membership and Founder Membership if for life time unless the membership is ceased as per provisions in the constitution.

The Student Membership is for one year subject to renewal. The Honorary Membership of a person will be for the period as may be decided by the Executive Committee/General Body.

Mode Of Becoming a Member

An intending member shall submit the application in the prescribed form specifying the queries to the General Secretary who shall place the same before the Executive Committee for taking decision which is final having no scope of assigning reason for taking decision. The person whose, application for becoming a member for a particular category is accepted is to deposit the requisite entrance fee and subscription within 30 (thirty) days and he/she shall become a member on and from the particular day of acceptance of fees. The person shall loose the right to membership in case of failing to make payment within the stipulated period.

Cessation Of Membership

A person shall cease to be a member under the following circumstances:

a) Submission of resignation and acceptance by the Executive Committee.

b) Termination by the Executive Committee for failure to discharge the responsibility / for defalcation of fund / for nonpayment of fees subscription / for failure to co-operate the Organisation towards its aims and objectives / for being criminally convicted before a court of law for any act disgraceful and detrimental to the Organisation.

c) The termination has to be ratified by the General Body.

d) The Executive Committee will have the power to take steps against the member even if his membership has been ceased, to realise any claim which is subsisting at the time of cessation.

Liabilities Of Persons Ceasing To Be Member

Any member, so ceasing to be, shall forfeit all his or her rights to or claim upon or privileges of the 'Organisation', its properties & fund but shall however continue to be liable for & pay to the 'Organisation' all dues which at the time of his or her ceasing to be a member of the 'Organisation' be deemed from him or her to the 'Organisation'.

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